
My passion for business led me here to the exciting and nerve-racking journey in SAIM. Complementary to its vibrant red color, SAIM College was buzzed with energy and warmth. Having excess to quality services and being amongst the friendly staff and easy going classmates helped me get immersed in this welcoming environment. I joined SAIM with the clear understanding of what I need to do and I am open to gain new experiences and broaden my knowledge in the business sector alongside exploring myself and developing inter-personal skills. As the statement by Chris Grosser goes, “Opportunities don’t happen. You create them.”

To begin with , I participated in “ Fresher’s ”event held on 23rd December, 2022 where I showcased my skill of ribbon dance, a mesmerizing art that combines grace and creativity which I had learned a week prior. I had chosen the red color specifically to symbolize the courage and determination.

On 1st January, 2023 “Meraki “club was formed with the involvement of me and my friends under the supervision and support from the college administration and faculty members. The word “Meraki”means to do something with your soul, creativity and love. Stepping into the role of club President was both exhilarating and challenging reminding me of the first time I had tried to make a circle with red ribbon stick.

Although dance was never my cup of tea, but as I twirl and twist the red ribbon, I felt liberated. Each motion was a broken-down version of what we can do. Meraki club have successfullyorganized DEBATE Competition on 19th January2023 and recently SAIM Superheroes campaign(blood donation program) on 14th June 2023 in collaboration with 2nd semester.

Despite the through preparation of my ribbon dance, the nerve got the best of me in the stage. Keeping in consideration of all the errors, arguments, weakness, miscommunication, I am confident that with time and perseverance, this club can go a long way .Also, I believe that with each mistake comes an Opportunity for redemption, growth and everlasting lessons.

I am also grateful for the effort, willpower and team work shown by club members. Furthermore, I am thankful to the SAIM Family for supporting Meraki as we move forward. I look forward to inspiring and bringing positiveimpact in our college throughthe Meraki club.

During my first half of college, I learned the art of delegation, effective communication, team work, fostering collaborative environment and time management. For me the red ribbondance was never about perfect, it was about courage,hope and experience


Prava Rawat 

BBA III Semester, SAIM College, 

President, Meraki Club

[email protected]