Surviving College: 6 Handy Tips For College Freshers


Now that you’re finally done with school, you might be all giddy and excited to start your college life. You probably dream about graduating and getting a job before you’ve even started your first day of college. Not to burst your bubble here, but before living the good life, you’ll have to go through hell and back to graduate college.
You see, transitioning from school seniors to college freshers is similar to a levelling-up in a game. Your knowledge and skill set are your equipment, and it gets tougher as you progress. If you want to survive college, you’ll need to upgrade your statistics, gain some experience points, and fights some demons. For all that, of course, you’ll need to be prepared.
Polish your armor, sharpen your weapons and put on your helmet, because we have some handy college survival tips for college freshers:
Do your homework
Imagine this: It’s your first day of college. You walk in like a cool kid with earphones on, people stare at you and gush about your dope dress-up - you’re nothing short of a minor celebrity. But that’s all this is: imagination. In reality, college freshers like you will be anxious, nervous and might inevitably get lost on their first day.
To avoid this mishap, do your research on the college. College freshers often have to play the role of Dora the Explorer, especially if your campus is as big as Hogwarts. Look into its subjects, courses, classrooms, class schedules, clubs, events and such. Explore your college - know where notable things like your classrooms, the library, canteen, photocopy centre, and staff rooms are. Better safe than sorry!
Plan things out
Many college freshers are new to the entire idea of balancing school, work and social life. The end result? They dive headfirst into college, as unprepared as a chick in the nest. Before you get KO’d by the overwhelming combo pack of assignments, work and meetups - plan things out.
One of the best ways to get organized is by creating a schedule. This can help you manage your time, and gradually develop good study habits. Planning also ensures that you’re focused, which indeed helps you to stop procrastinating. Above all else, though, don’t forget to make time for yourself too. Self-care is equally important for college freshers. Considering the amount of stress you’ll have to deal with, you wouldn’t want to pass out in the middle of a test, right?
Make a habit of taking notes
Unlike school, where the teacher distributed handouts and notes, you’re on your own in college. College freshers often have a lot on their plate, which is why taking notes in class can help you keep your academics on track. This can help you retain information, understand the learning material, and eventually learn faster.
Build relationships
To college freshers, navigating through their college life can be as lonely as playing a multiplayer game alone. If you really want to make the most out of your college experience, build a network. Of course, nobody expects college freshers to band together and become ‘bffs’ in a day. Step out of your comfort zone; connect with your classmates, seniors, professors, and alumni. 
The relationships that you build over time can make all the difference. Your seniors can help you maneuver your way through the ins and outs of college. From getting books, to planning out classes, and making meaningful connections - they can help you with everything. After all, they too, were college freshers once.
Get involved
For many of the college freshers out there, college can be a fresh start. Don’t hesitate to pursue your interests in college. Get involved in clubs, events or extracurricular activities that peak your interest. No experience is useless - the things you learn in your first year will definitely help you later on.
Don’t limit yourself to the things you already know. Remember the level-up thing we talked about earlier? That won’t happen unless you try to discover the hidden facets of your personality. As college freshers, there’s room for a wealth of potential - don’t let it go to waste.
Don’t feel pressured to pick a major
College freshers usually stress out about what majors to pick, courses to study, or activities to be involved in. Sure, some college freshers may seem like they’ve had it all figured out - like being the next Bill Gates or Nelson Mandela or Jack Ma. Just because they’re ambitious and sorted out doesn’t mean that you jump the gun and follow suit. Instead, take your time to pick subjects that genuinely intrigue you. If you’re confused, consult your professors, seniors, friends and family to guide you. The last thing you want is to regret your decisions.
Wrapping Up
For college freshers, surviving college can be a challenging affair. Stay focused and level-headed. Don’t forget to get organized, and build as many meaningful relationships as you can. Don’t worry, you won’t be alone in this. Your college will be there to guide you through the process and help you adjust.
College freshers can have a difficult time adapting to the change in teaching pedagogy. Considering this, at SAIM College, we conduct orientation programs to effectively acquaint our students with the ongoings of our college. Moreover, we also have an Alumni Association that can help college freshers connect with their seniors and alumni. At SAIM College, we make learning a unique experience for all students, and provide them with a sense of camaraderie and friendship.
For more information, Contact Us .